

As a congregation committed to care for creation, we affirm the creation in all its glory and beauty. We acknowledge God as the source of all things. We acknowledge Christ as the redeemer of all things. We acknowledge the Spirit as the sustainer of all things. As a result, we strive to respect all of life as sacramental. We accept our vocation as earth keepers who care for creation. We see ourselves as part of the covenant of Noah that God made with humans and with all the animals of the land, sea, and air. We accept our responsibility to live justly in relation to our fellow human beings in ways that all creatures may mutually thrive together.


HAVE YOU EVER SAID “It’s just a feel good thing” when you see someone who cares about the environment and how they impact it?

Several years ago I was one of those people. So my answer to that comment now is: “They are trying to be good stewards of God’s creation.” At my work we need to be aware of the environment and energy impacts that construction causes. Because of the work I am involved in and because of the way others stress how even the simple things can make things worse, I came to the conclusion that we must all become aware of our impact to God’s world.

In the book of Genesis God gave humanity dominion over the Earth and everything on it. God expected us to be good stewards in protecting this world in which we live.

How often have you taken a walk in your neighborhood and noticed the trash that lines the street and gutters? Were you mad? Did you pick it up? Or did you think “My neighbor will take care of it.” If it’s in front of your house did you get mad at whoever did it? What impact will it have if it’s not picked up?

Do you recycle because you want to or your local jurisdiction makes you? How much more effort did it take you to separate? Did it cost you any more?

We must become more aware of how we live and work. Everywhere you look now a days – TV commercials, radio, magazines, and newspapers– people are doing, saying or talking about recycling and doing something GREEN. It’s not a “feeling good thing” but being aware of our impact. If you want to see how much impact you have check out this web site: Low Impact Living Calculator. Just by entering some data on cars, power, and size of your house, etc. it will show the impact you have and this site will make suggestions on how to save energy and save you money at the same time.

If you are ready to say “IT’S GOD’S CREATION AND I WANT TO HELP” then step up to the plate and start thinking on ways to be a good steward in God’s World.

Contact Tom Morgan for additional information

This edited article comes from the Washington office of the ELCA taken from the ELCA

e-Advocacy newsletter brought to you by your CreationCare Committee.

Climate Change and Economics – An Action

Small changes in the way we manage our homes, our congregations and our communities can both reduce our contribution to climate change and save us money.  These small changes, when taken collectively, can make a huge difference.  Over time, they will also help us live in right relationships with God’s Creation.

Studies have shown that the 300,000 houses of worship in the U.S. spend more than $2 billion on energy each year and consume 2 percent of all energy used in the United States.

This year for Earth Day, the National Council of Churches focused on honoring our sacred worship spaces with practical solutions that will make congregations better stewards and more faithful and sustainable examples in our walk with God.

Here are some ways that you can reduce your congregation’s greenhouse gas emissions, save money and live out God’s call to be stewards of Creation and seek justice for all.

*       Install programmable thermostats

*       Weatherize church buildings to limit the loss of heat in the winter and cool air in the summer

*       Lower the temperature of your hot water heater

*       Replace broken and old appliances with energy efficient models

These simple changes will help save money while reducing carbon dioxide emissions, helping your congregation to live out God’s call to be good stewards of all Creation and our obligation to be good stewards of our financial resources.

The CreationCare Committee is looking for people with fresh new ideas to join our group of good stewards.  For more information, please contact Tom Morgan (775-5681) or speak to Pastor.

Green Tip:  The Creation Care Committee recommends the following site (green traveling tips) for you to visit to both save money and become better stewards of God’s Earth:

Green Travel: 31 Tips to Save Money & Environment

Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church of Fredericksburg was certified as a “Green Congregation” on January 11, 2009 by the Web of Creation

Click to read our proposed Action Plan, as well as “40 ideas to Make Our Congregation More Green


Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice

 This social statement was adopted by a more than two-thirds majority vote as a social statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America by the third Churchwide Assembly on August 28, 1993, at Kansas City, Missouri.
To access the statement click the link below