Christmas Eve Registration

In order to prepare for the worship service, worshipers must register for worship using the link provided at the bottom of this message. Registration ends on December 23rd at noon. Please note plans for in-person worship on Christmas Eve are subject to change. The Reopening Team and Council are closely monitoring reported virus cases and flu cases, as well as updates from local, state, and federal governments and the Synod Office. If changes are made that impact Christmas Eve worship, you will receive an email from the church office.

In addition to the three services, worship leaders will also pre-record a Christmas Eve worship service on December 23rd that will be shared online with the congregation by 5pm on Christmas Eve.

General Information for In-Person Worshipers

  • All worshipers must pre-register for worship.
  • All worshipers are encouraged to do an at home health assessment prior to attending service. If you do not feel well or are experiencing any of these symptoms, you need to stay home.

o Fever or chills
o Cough
o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
o Fatigue
o Muscle or body aches
o Headache
o New loss of taste or smell
o Sore throat
o Congestion or runny nose
o Nausea or vomiting
o Diarrhea
o Contact with COVID-19 in the last 14 days

  • Due to COVID-19, the maximum number of worshipers in the sanctuary at any one time is limited to 50.
  • To be in compliance with state guidelines, worshipers are required to wear face-masks throughout the service.
  • Individual households will be seated together and a minimum of 6 feet of distance will be maintained between households.
  • Please note that this will be a Service of Holy Communion. Communing worshipers will be given a pre-packaged individual communion kit to consume from their socially distanced pew at the appropriate time in the service. While we will not sing during the service, the service will include instrumental musical offerings.

If you choose to bring your offering with you to worship, you will be able to deposit your offering into a secure deposit box located in the narthex. You may also submit your offering via regular mail to the church office, through Vanco’s GivePlus App, or by telephoning Vanco at 800-675-7430.

The sanctuary pews and restrooms will be cleaned with a recommended disinfectant before and after each service.
• Please note the service will be recorded and shared online and/or live streamed online. The camera captures the chancel area (the area where pastors and worship leaders speak from and address the congregation). The camera may also capture the backs of the worshipers in the nave (the area of the sanctuary with pews). If you do not feel comfortable being part of the recording, please let an usher know prior to being seated.
• If you attempt to register and receive a message from Eventbrite that indicates the service is ‘sold out’, that means the service has reached its maximum number of worshipers. Please try and register for a different service time on Christmas Eve.
A recording of the worship service will be available on the church’s Facebook video page and YouTube channel by 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve. If you need assistance with registration, please call the church office at 540-373-5087.

Registration Information

• Please only register to attend one Christmas Eve service.
• To register for the 2 p.m. Christmas Eve service please click this Eventbrite link:
• To register for the 5 p.m. Christmas Eve service please click this Eventbrite link:
• To register for the 7 p.m. Christmas Eve service please click this Eventbrite link:

• Please note the service will be recorded and shared online and/or live streamed online.
The camera captures the chancel area (the area where pastors and worship leaders speak from and address the congregation). The camera may also capture the backs of the worshipers in the nave (the area of the sanctuary with pews). If you do not feel comfortable being part of the recording, please let an usher know prior to being seated.
• If you need assistance with registration, please call the church office at 540-373-5087.
• Please remember that these plans are subject to change. If the in-person services are canceled due to changing orders from federal, state, local governments, the Synod, or congregational leadership, you will receive an email.